We understand that everyone is different, and that's the same when it comes to cleaning our homes and businesses.
Our primary method of cleaning is the Reach and Wash system, using 100% pure water. We understand at times some prefer a traditional clean using the good old fashioned squeegee, so we are happy to accommodate where possible.
We will be happy to discuss your individual requirements with you. Contact us today for a free quote.

Our most popular method preferred by customers. The Reach and Wash system uses only pure water to clean your windows, no detergent is required, the water does all the work!
Using a specially designed pole, pure water is applied to the window. The brush is then used to scrub away any dirt and residue on the glass. Once fully clean, the windows are rinsed thoroughly, and allowed to dry, leaving your windows sparkling!
Why use this method?
This system allows us to reach heights of up to 40ft (approx. 4 storeys high), can get to those awkward to reach places, and overall, provides a more thorough clean than the traditional method.

A method we are all familiar with! Windows are cleaned using water and detergent, using an applicator to wash the window, and a squeegee to remove the water off the glass.
Your frames and sills will also be wiped down when mopping up any residue. The end result is a window that is dry, clean and sparkling.
This method requires the use of a ladder. Please note that some high and awkwardly positioned windows cannot be reached.